
What does your brand sound like?

Brand Strategy
AN IMMERSIVE VISUAL IDENTITY FOR The Original Audio Branding Studio.
Elias Audio Branding, a division of Universal Music Group, is a pioneer in the discipline of audio branding, composing music, and sound for brands.

While they’re celebrated in the industry, the goal was to transform the perception from a legacy brand to one that’s cutting-edge and innovative.

Our challenge was to give Elias an entirely new brand experience, from logo to color and type, to website design, language and messaging, presentation materials, business cards, and swag.

The new Elias brand identity signifies their authority in the industry — polished, innovative, and unique. It reflects their values — experimentation with sophistication, aspiration within reach, and innovation grounded in humanity. It’s both timeless and contemporary, fostering engagement and evoking emotions at every encounter.
Brand Strategy: the originals

We re-positioned Elias as The Original Audio Branding Studio, shifting them from legacy brand to one with a strong heritage to carry forward. With a pioneering spirit, their process defines brands with an enduring sound that becomes intrinsic to culture.

Before diving into visual development, we established brand pillars. These core principals serve as the bedrock for the identity, guiding the messaging, visuals, and overarching communications. They underpin Elias' position in the landscape, articulating their distinct personality and offering. From there, we set their tone of voice, the key principals for how they share their beliefs and message with the world.

A logo with distinct personality

Bold and distinctive, the Elias wordmark embodies the brand’s dynamism. Drawing upon curved geometry, it strikes a harmony between the round and the angular, the organic and the orderly.

expressive color

Our color palette is vibrant, engaging, and expressive, representing a range of moods from calm to dynamic subdued to audacious, and minimal to maximal. By combining subtle tonal shifts with bold solid colors, our versatile palette strikes a balance between a modern aesthetic and a classic sensibility.

MUSICAL TYPOGRAPHYBold and direct, the Elias type system sings in harmony with the other elements of the visual system. Like music, it moves dynamically to emphasize a sense of rhythm and movement.
interactive web experience

Elias' new website is immersive, interactive, and subtly responsive, drawing visitors into a nuanced and engaging world where creativity is expressed with clarity and impact. The landing page is designed with the four color families. These colors will change each time the user refreshes the page or navigates to a new page within the site.

Strategic visual tools

Elias needed specific visual tools to help their clients navigate the audio development experience intuitively. We developed a range of assets that visualized the audio design process, guiding their clients through interactive audio presentations.

DATA VISUALIZATIONGuiding and delighting was key in finding ways to describe the Elias creative process. We built a capabilities deck that empowered their team with a way to clearly communicate their offering and share an immersive experience with their clients.

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